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Why does hair loss happen?

Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. Hair loss can be genetic, hormonal or autoimmune. A variety of treatments have been used to combat alopecia, including medications with strong side effects, such as steroids. Other medications used to treat hair loss suppress the immune system and are even used in chemotherapy. These treatments have historically not only had serious side effects but the relapse rate is also high.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a concentration of platelet cells from a person’s own blood. PRP has been extensively studied and used in the treatment of wound healing. Medical research has shown that platelets carry with them important growth factors which induce and maintain hair growth and formation.*


ADD Microneedling:

Just as PRP and microneedling treatment are being used across the face and body to rejuvenate skin, boost collagen and stimulate healing, so is it being used on the scalp to stimulate new follicular hair growth and thicker, fuller hair for men and women. Rather than inject the PRP into the scalp with a syringe, our estheticians use microneedling, which is an almost painless technique, to apply the PRP. Microneedling produces thousands of tiny punctures in the scalp with a specific depth, through which the PRP can travel down to the hair follicles. There’s no downtime or special aftercare instructions.  PRP scalp treatments are usually initially done in a series of 3 monthly sessions, with touchups recommended yearly or more often if desired.


As part of our comprehensive, non-surgical hair regrowth and restoration therapy, patients are evaluated to see if they will benefit from this treatment and are advised on the scope of the treatment protocol.
When patients come in for their first treatment, their blood is drawn and the PRP is centrifuged to process out the PRP from the red blood cells. The scalp is numbed to minimize any discomfort.

The treatment process involves a series of PRP injections combined with the PRP solution being microneeded into the scalp. The area may be sensitive and red for 1-3 days.


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