We recently came up with 10 important ways that Chinese Medicine (TCM) benefits women. While men, too, certainly enjoy improvements in mood, sleep, pain, and addiction recovery just like women do, there are three additional improvements that men can expect from a course of treatment delivered by the hands of a skilled Chinese medicine practitioner.
1) Improvements in athletic performance and recovery
You don’t have to be a professional sports player to use Chinese Medicine (such as Acupuncture, cupping, tuina etc.) for treating injuries, relieving muscle tightness and pain, or curing musculoskeletal imbalances.
Chinese Medicine (CM) can help improve athletic performance in a multitude of ways:
Reduces inflammation
Increases strength
Improves range of motion
Increases flexibility
Stimulates tissue repair
Increases VO2 max (maximal oxygen uptake) and anaerobic threshold
Accelerates post-exercise recovery after intense exertion resulting in less muscle soreness and reduced heart rate, oxygen consumption, and blood lactate
2) Improvements in seasonal allergies
If you suffer from pollen allergies, you know how irritating, or even disabling, the runny or stuffy nose and headaches can be. A 2013 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that, after two months of treatment, TCM improved symptoms in people who tested positive for pollen allergies and experienced seasonal allergic rhinitis. Not only did TCM lessen the severity of the symptoms, it reduced the amount of allergy medication (antihistamines) the participants required. Get regular, consistent TCM treatments to keep your seasonal allergies under control.
3) Improvements in sexual vitality, functioning & Fertility
Chinese medicine practitioners know how important the kidneys are for sexual function. An imbalance can deplete energy, reduce stamina, and lower your libidinal motivation. Regular CM treatments not only help increase desire and sexual stamina, they can also increase sperm quality, quantity, and motility and reduce structural defects – all important in treating male-related infertility issues. There is also evidence that TCM treatments can be very helpful for men experiencing erectile dysfunction.
4) And much, much more....